Alcohoot Turns Your Phone Into a Breathalyzer

Just in time for the peak of the holiday drinking season comes a new gadget that just may prove itself a true lifesaver. It’s called Alcohoot, and with it, your smartphone (iPhone or Android) becomes a breathalyzer that you can use to measure your blood alcohol level, and no matter how much you’ve already had to drink, make informed decisions about where to take the party next, and how you will get yourself home safely, scot-free and in one piece.
The handy little device plugs into your phone’s audio input, and once connected is capable of providing your blood alcohol level with professional, police-grade accuracy in a matter of seconds.
What’s more, on the app side of things, after determining that you’ve consumed too much to safely pilot a vehicle, Alcohoot will point you in the direction of taxis, and nearby restaurants that you can walk to, eat and sober up. It also keeps track of your drinking history, telling you how much time you’ve been spending bending elbows at the bar, and with what frequency.
At $119 it doesn’t come cheap. But can you really put a price on peace of mind?
Tags: Bar Crawl, Beer, Cocktails, Gifts, Holiday, Spirits, Wine