Brian Cox's Scotch Pronunciation Guide

We recently attended a Glenfiddich tasting, and the most useful piece of information we left with was that the Single Malt’s brand name ends with a hard “k” sounch, as opposed to the “ch” dipthong you’d think. Quite a few Scotch whiskys have Gaelic or Doric words in their names, which are often pronounced very differently than they look on paper (to an American eye).
Luckily, esteemed thespian and perennial Hollywood evil dude Brian Cox is of Scottish origin, and this winter sat down for Esquire Magazine to preform a series of pronunciation guide videos. The clips are all available on this page, and are highly amusing (especially if you’ve already had a few sips of Scotch yourself). While a mustache does a lot to change his look, it’s slightly difficult not to see Col. William Stryker or Ward Abbott sitting there sniffing and sipping (and pronouncing). When you have a minute for an educational chuckle, check them out.