Kickstarter Sip: Cocktails on Tap, the Art of Mixing Spirits & Beer

Beer cocktails go way beyond the simply shandy these days. If you haven’t yet tried a mixed drink that uses craft beer as an ingredient, they are worth seeking out. Think of beer as “soda plus” — you get bubbles but much more, including flavor and body. Of course, those factors mean making a good beer cocktail is not as simple as tossing any old booze and brew in a glass.
That’s where a new book comes in. Cocktails on Tap is “the definitive book of beer cocktail recipes, bringing spirits and beer together in the same glass.” It’s currently on Kickstarter and still looking for more backers to reach a $22,000 goal. Author Jacob Grier’s Portland Rickey (saison ale, gin, lemon, Chartreuse) has been named the official drink for this year's Tales of the Cocktail, going on now in New Orleans.
Grier has been working on beer cocktails for more than three years now, with friends Ezra Johnson (New School Beer) and Yetta Vorobik (The Hop & Vine). Their research has been abetted by the abundance of local brew available in their hometown of Portland, OR. For Cocktails on Tap, Grier partnered with food and drink photographer David L. Reamer, so the recipes you find inside will be gorgeously illustrated.
You can reserve yourself a copy of the book with just a $20 pledge, or spring for $25 and get your copy signed by Grier. Higher pledge levels get your name listed in the book, or collections of other books by the same author. The Kickstarter campaign runs through Saturday, July 27, so if you’re a fan of (or simply curious about) beer cocktails, make sure you click over now to get in on the fun.